Showing posts with label G D R ( GUARD DRIVER REPORT ). Show all posts
Showing posts with label G D R ( GUARD DRIVER REPORT ). Show all posts

Jan 1, 2023




1. Rake integrity is not disturbed by more than 10 FWUs or Four 8- Wheeled wagons. Only intensively examined wagons duly certified by train examining staff are attached.
2. All CBCs and air hoses are properly coupled and locked.
3. All the angle cocks are in open condition.
4. The rearmost angle cock of LV is in closed position.
5. Empty load handle is properly placed as per the empty or loaded condition of the wagons.
6. There is no loose fittings/hanging parts like push rod, pull rod, brake beam, safety brackets, brake blocks, CBC operating, handle etc., which may endanger the safe running of train.
7. Hand brake of all the wagons is in released condition i.e., in OFF position.
8. Doors of wagons are closed and locked/secured.
9. Correct position of Twist lock.
10. Any other abnormality noticed and action taken.
11. Guard & Loco Pilot shall prepare a memo jointly on a plain sheet in triplicate indicating the brake power and deficiency, if any, and shall append their signatures and both of them shall retain a copy of the same. Guard should obtain SM/YM endorsement on two copies of joint memo and hand over third copy to SM/YM record. SM/YM will inform the Section Controller after making the endorsement on the joint memo and obtain the clearance for the train to move (GR 4.31).
12. Continuity of the brake pipe pressure is confirmed through VHF/Whistle code i.e., perform the continuity test before starting the train.

B) Post Loading/Post Tippling examination of Freight Trains:

Post loading/Post tippling examination to be carried out either by TXR staff or by Guard and Loco Pilot in case of non provision of TXR staff.

Items to be checked by Guard and Loco Pilot:

1. All the CBCs and Air hoses are properly coupled and locked.
2. All the angle cocks are in open condition.
3. The rearmost angle cock of LV is in closed position.
4. Empty load handle is properly placed as per the empty or loaded condition of the wagons.
5. There is no loose fitting/hanging parts like push rod, pull rod, brake beam, safety brackets, brake blocks, CBC operating handle, etc., which may endanger the safe running of train.
6. Hand brake of all the wagons is in released condition i.e. in OFF position.
7. Doors of wagons are closed and locked/secured.
8. Check continuity of BP pressure/Vacuum before starting a train (to perform continuity test).

Proforma for Joint Check by the Loco Pilot and Guard –

1. Date :
2. Train No. :
3. Loco No. & EOL :
4. Load :
5. From :
6. To :
7. BPC issued by :
8. Date of Issue :
9. BPC No. :
10. Loaded at/Tippled at :
___________________                                                              _________________
Signature of Loco Pilot                                                                Signature of Guard
Loco Pilot’s Name:---------------                                           Guard’s Name:--------------------
 (This memo should be prepared in 03 copies, Loco Pilot and Guard should retain one copy each and the third copy should be handed over to SM/YM).
References - Rly. Bd’s letter nos. 1. 2005/M(N) 951/13 Pt. dtd. 07.4.2006

2. 98/M(N)/951/12 Pt. dtd. 17.05.2007                            
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