Jan 21, 2016

Railway Board – Grant of Natural Calamity Advance to Railway Servants affected by torrential downpour in Tamil Nadu


No. E(G) 2015/AD 1-2

Rail Bhawan, New Delhi, Dated 13.01.2016
The General Secretary,
4, State Entry Road,
New Delhi – 110055.
Sub: Grant of Natural Calamity Advance to Railway Servants affected by torrential downpour in Tamil Nadu.
The undersigned is directed to refer to AIRF’s letter No. AIRF/76(483) dated 11/12/2015 on the above subject and to state that sanction has been issued to Southern Railway for grant of Natural Calamity Advance to the Railway servants affected by the torrential rain/flood in the state of Tamil Nadu vide letter of even number dated 8/1/2016 copy of which is enclosed herewith.
DA : As above.

Yours faithfully,

for Secy./Rly. Board


New Delhi, Dated: 08.01.2016

No.E(G) 2015/AD 1-2
The General Manager
Southern Railway
Sub: Grant of Natural Calamity Advance to Railway Servants affected by Torrential downpour in Tamil Nadu – request for special consideration and special sanction.

Ref: (1) Southern Railway’s letter No. P(R) 27/P/Vol XII dated 11/12/2015 and (2) FA & CAO, Southern Railway’s note dated 5/1/2016.
  1. In view of the circumstances mentioned in your Railway’s letter cited above, the proposal for payment of Natural Calamity Advance to the employees affected by the torrential rains and floods in the State of Tamil Nadu in relaxation of the conditions mentioned in Para 1123 of IREM Vol. I, has been considered by the Board, and it has been decided that the affected employees may be sanctioned one month’s pay (i.e. Pay plus Grade Pay) under the powers of the General Manager.
  2. FA&CAO, Southern Railway should ensure a concurrent watch of the recovery of this advance through an effective machinery. Recovery should be ensured within 12 months from the date of sanction in a maximum of 12 equal installments. Applications may be processed and payment disbursed before 29/2/2016. It may also be ensured that the disbursement should be entirely through bank payment only.
  3. This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of Ministry of Railways.
Dy. Director/Estt. (Genl)
New Delhi, dated 08.01.2016
No.E(G) 2015/AD 1-2
Copy to the FA & CAO, Southern Railway, Chennai
SOURCE - govt staff news portal.
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