Jan 1, 2023



Depot maintenance staff should ensure the following things in respect of proper functioning and safety of Bogie & Bogie components. 

Bogie Frame: 
  • During every trip, and Schedule A & B, Examine visually condition of bogie side frame, transom, longitudinal etc especially at all welded locations. Examine rubber stopper and crown bolt of axle box, Axle box & Bolster safety strap for damage/ missing/ loose. Examine Brake hanger brackets for damages. Examine the brackets for safety wire rope of brake beam. Examine visually BSS hanger brackets, Anchor link brackets. Visually examine centre pivot mounting bolts, centre pivot cover and attend if needed. Side bearer oil to be replenished in A & B schedules, if needed.
  • During IOH at depot, further to attending all the above items, Examine condition of wearing piece and wearing plate, oil level in side bearer oil baths and replenish if oil 64 level has gone down below the level of last thread of oil filling cup. 
Primary Suspension: 
  • Every trip visually examines axle box springs for breakage, dash pot oil filling special screw for deficiency. Check oil leakage in dash pot through defective seals/vent screws. Visually examine axle box clearance 
  • During Schedule A & B, examine all items as above. Add specified grade of oil in dash pot. Visually examine and adjust axle box clearance. 
  • During IOH at depot, further to attending to all the above items, examine the axle guide assembly by lifting the coach and give any attention if necessary. Check axle box clearance with gauge and adjust. 
Secondary Suspension: 
  • During every trip, and Schedule A & B, visually examine bolster springs for breakages or any other defects. Visually examine Bolster lower spring beam, BSS hangers, hanger blocks, BSS pins. Check bolster clearance between top of bolster and bottom of bogie frame. Visually examine equalising stay rods and pins (small and big) and brackets. Check and attend safety loops of Equalising stay rod. Visually check anchor links, and its securing bolts and attend if needed. Examine safety loops of bolster, vertical shock absorbers for damages and attend if required. 
  • During IOH at depot, dismantle Secondary suspension and measure the dimensions of spring, BSS hangers, Hanger pins, Hanger blocks and the hole in the bracket. Remove the equalising stay, measure the pins/bushes for any wear and re-grease the pins. After assembling maintain the Bogie ‘B’ dimension as prescribed. 
Brake Rigging: 
  • Every trip, check brake gear and adjust so that the piston stroke is within the limit. Examine brake beams for breakages/damages. Check and attend brake beam safety wire ropes/safety straps. Check and attend brake shoe head and key & replace if necessary. 
  • Check and replace worn brake blocks. Visually inspect and replace brake hangers, brake gear pins and cotters/split pins if necessary. Visually inspect and replace damaged/missing brake gear bushes. During Schedule A & B, further to examination of the above, check and attend brake block adjuster. Examine and attend brake levers, floating lever suspension brackets
  • During IOH at depot, examine all items as above. Examine and replace all brake gear components found deficient and worn out 
Draw Gear: 
  • Every trip, Schedule A & B, check and replace damage/missing split pins/cotters/rivets. Examine draw 66 hook, draw bars and rubber pads for damages. Check condition of the screw coupling and its components and replace if required. Check condition of draw beam and locating pins on it. Examine visually draft key locking pins. 
  • During IOH at depot, examine all items as above, Ensure that wear on screw coupling shackle pins, trunnion pins, shackle/link holes and draw hook holes should not exceed 3 mm. Ensure that wear at any section on draw hook should not exceed 10 mm. 
Buffing gear: 
  • Every trip, Schedule A & B, visually examine Buffer plunger for drooping, crack/wear and stroke length. Examine Buffer casing for crack and its securing arrangement. 
  • During IOH at depot, dismantle the buffer assembly, and check for perished pads, destruction tube, worn out Buffer face/spindle etc and attend/replace where ever necessary. Buffer alignment with head-stock should be true. Buffer projection should not be less than 600 mm and not more than 635 mm. 
Wheel and axle: 
  • Every trip, Schedule A & B, examine visually axle box for grease oozing and warm box and any damages/loose covers. Visually examine the profile of the tyre and check 67 with tyre defect gauge if appears nearing condemning limit. 
  • During IOH at depot, check the wheel distant gauge for loose/tight wheel. Examine axle pulleys on the wheels 
  • In addition to normal checks, wheels to be checked for defects as per CMI – K 003. 
Roller Bearing & Axle Boxes: 
  • A coach should invariably be detached from service for the following defects 
  • Hot axle box, damaged axle box, damaged front or rear cover, Seized roller bearing, Coach involved in accident, derailment, fire, flood etc. 
  • Care should be taken not to keep a coach fitted with roller bearing stationary for a long time. Coaches stabled for a long time should be shunted up and down at regular intervals. 
  • Coaches fitted with roller bearing should be ensured that: 
  • No wash basin drain hole / discharge pipe is directly above the axle box. The front and rear covers of the axle boxes are not damaged, cracked or loose. Clearance between axle box and wheel is such that the axle box does not rub against the wheel. Brake gear is properly adjusted to avoid possibility of brake binding. 

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