Jun 23, 2024

Addressing complaints related to Unauthorized Passengers in Reserved Coaches.

(Railway Board)

No.2023/Sec (HL)/Railmadad/11

Dated: 13.06.2024

The Principal Chief Security Commissioners/RPF, 
All Zonal Railways, 
KRCL, Kolkata Metro.

Sub:- Addressing complaints related to Unauthorized Passengers in Reserved Coaches.

An analysis of complaints lodged on Rail Madad from June 1, 2024, to June 12, 2024, reveals that 13,749 complaints were related to unauthorized passengers in reserved coaches. This is a significant concern, and it has been decided to conduct a coordinated drive with GRP and the Commercial department from June 14, 2024, to June 30, 2024, to address this issue. The following guidelines are issued for compliance:

1. Proactive Checks and Legal Action:

Conduct thorough checks of coaches reserved for ladies and especially abled passengers, with the assistance of Commercial staff, at originating stations and enroute.

RPF personnel should regularly check these reserved coaches, regardless of whether complaints have been lodged.

Take legal action against any offenders found in these reserved areas.

2. Passenger Awareness Programs:

.0 Launch awareness programs to educate passengers about the importance of not entering reserved compartments unless authorized.

Use megaphones, PA systems, RDN, distribute pamphlets/leaflets, and post notices to disseminate this information.

3. Videography and Photography:

Conduct random videography and photography of important trains, focusing on ladies' coaches and coaches reserved for persons with disabilities.

4. Redressal of Complaints:

Swiftly and promptly respond to complaints lodged on Rail Madad.

5. Continuous Action, Analysis, and Reporting:

Instruct.field units to properly read complaints regarding unauthorized passengers and transfer any unrelated cases to the relevant department without delay.

Analyze complaints related to unauthorized passengers at the field level, take suitable action on the identified points and submit a zone-wise consolidated report to the Railway Board daily, using the enclosed format.

Ensure the daily report reaches the Security Control, Railway Board, by 07:00 hrs for the previous day.

Additional Guidelines

The above measures are not exhaustive. Zones may issue further guidelines tailored to local circumstances to minimize complaints related to unauthorized passengers.

Issued with the approval of DG/RPF.

(Sarvapriya Mayank)


Railway Board

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