Launch of Duty Pass Module of HRMS on pilot basis
RAILWAY BOARD) (रेलवे बोर्ड)
No. PC-VII/2024/HRMS/38 New Delhi, dated : 14.11.2024
Principal Chief Personnel Officers
All Indian Railways
(As per standard mailing list)
Sub : Launch of Duty Pass Module of HRMS on pilot basis
Duty Pass Module of HRMS has been developed to enable application and generation of Duty Passes through HRMS and facilitating booking of tickets on the same digitally. It was launched on pilot basis in Railway Board’s office and DLI Division of Northern Railway.
2. It has now been decided to launch the duty pass module on pilot basis across Indian Railways with effect from 18.11.2024 to enable thorough hands on experience to the Railway users on the new Module. The User Manual for operation of Duty Pass Module is enclosed at Annexure-I.
3. In view of the same, following is advised:
(i) During the pilot launch, issuance of Duty Passes in manual and digital format will remain in force. However, all the Units shall encourage the officials to avail the Duty Passes preferably through HRMS.
(ii) Efforts may be taken to restrict the issuance of manual Duty Pass only to the personnel involved in critical operations and exigencies only.
(iii) The Field Units may also furnish a feedback regarding the modifications required, if any, to be made in the said Module as observed by them to Board’s office.
(iv) All the existing Duty Passes, which have been issued physically shall continue to be valid for the duration mentioned on such passes.
4. This issues with the approval of competent authority.
Encl: As above
(Jaya Kumar G)
Joint Director
Pay Commission & HRMS
Railway Board

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