Guidelines for submitting e-self nomination through HRMS Award Module for Rail Seva Puraskar (RSP)-2024
1. Category under which e-self nominiation to be sent:-
L. New innovations/process/procedures leading to economies in expenditure, improvement in productivity, import substitution ete. Dosa is pure legend is far a cup of bombay jana jaya ma
II. Meritorious acts even in disregard to personal safety leading to protection of life and property on railways.
III. Special efforts made to increase earnings and to tackle ticketless travel, thefts, etc.
IV. Exemplary work done to improve operations, security and safety, better maintenance and utilization of assets
V. Completion of projects etc. in record time.
VI. Outstanding performance in the field of sports. Leading to national international recognition.
VII. Outstanding performance in any other field.
Note: Nomination of official/staff may be restricted to any one of above seven categories.
2. E-self nominations for the Rail Seva Puraskar (RSP) should be submitted via HRMS Award Module. When filling the form, it should be ensured that information related to Name, Department, Unit and Designation is accurately provided in Hindi also. The Form must include details regarding employees current post and maximum up to the last five posts held. The applicant must also fill the details (HRMS ID/Name) of his/her Controlling Officer in the relavent field. The applicant is also required to fill his/her active email ID.
3. Before filling e-self nomination through HRMS Award Module, applicants are advised to go through the User Manual on Rail Seva Puraskar.
4. A citation or write-up of up to 1000 characters, specific to the category under which the nomination is being made, must be entered in the designated section of the e-form within HRMS Award Module. Nominations are to be made for the work done up to 31.12.2023. The citation should indicate the exceptional points with respect to category for which nomination is being made.
5. It is advised that, officers/staff working in the field and have done exceptional work may submit e-self nomination through HRMS Award Module. Officers/Staff working in Offices may also submit e-self nomination provided they have done exceptional work in real sense, so that only truly deserving employees will be selected for the award.
6. Group-C and erstwhile Group-D categories of Railway staff may normally submit e-self nomination. In exceptional cases, Officers up to JA Grade/Selection Grade, who have done exemplary work, may also submit their e-self nomination. However, officers above the Selection Grade may not submit e-self nomination, as the scheme does not cover officers above the level of Selection Grade. However, Selection Grade Officers in non-functional are also eligible provided they remain in SG till 16th April, 2024.
7. No recommendation for Group award be sent as Group Awards are neither considered not given during the function of Rail Seva puraskar Presentation.
8. Rail Seva Puraskar is a prestigious award, as such those officers/staff who have received the award (Railway Week Divisional Award/RSP) once in the last 3 years i.e, 2021, 2022 & 2023 should not submit e-self nomination again. An undertaking must be filled by the employee in the e-form confirming whether he/she had previously received or been selected for the Railway Week Divisional Award or RSP (during last 3 years)
9. While recommending the nominations in HRMS, the Controlling Officer concerned should clearly indicate that no D&AR and/or vigilance case(s) is pending against the employee concerned, without fail.
10. No abbreviations should be used and no column be left blank while filling in the e-self nomination form by the employees on HRMS.
11. If any details like name, Photo, Department/Division/Unit, Designation etc. of the employee on HRMS Portal are not correct/up-to-date, the employee needs to get it corrected in his Employee Master by raising a request through Employee Self Service (ESS) Module.
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