Chandigarh: A day ahead of Punjab farmers’ Rail-Roko protest, Railways on Tuesday announced cancellation and diversion of several trains due to non-interlocking work being carried out at Asaoti in Delhi Division. Railways announced cancellation of six trains and diversion of nine on October 7 and 8, an official release issued said.
Among the trains which were cancelled are Amritsar-Indore Express, Ferozpur-Mumbai Central Express, Indore-Chandigarh and Mumbai Central-Ferozpur Express. Among the diverted trains are Amritsar-Bilaspur, Nanded-Amritsar and Bilaspur-Amritsar Express, it said.
Railways have also announced cancellation of 7 trains, including Chandigarh-Indore Express, Ferozpur-Mumbai Central Express, Kochuveli-Amritsar Express and Yasvantpur-Chandigarh Express on October 9 and 10, it said.
As many as 12 trains will be diverted on October 9, including Amritsar-Bilaspur Express, Amritsar-Nanded Express, Kalka-Shirdi Express, Chandigarh-Madurai Express, Jammu Tawi-Madras Express and Bilaspur-Amritsar Express.