Nov 21, 2018

Settlement Forms to be filled by the retiring Railway servant

Settlement Forms to be filled by the retiring Railway servant

2016/F(E)III/1 (1 )/8 New Delhi,                                         dated: 12.11.2018

(As per mailing list)

Sub: Settlement Forms to be filled by the retiring Railway servant
During the interaction of Board (MS) with the pensioners, the issue of simplification of the settlement forms was raised.

2. The said issue has been examined by Board(MS & FC) in the light of the various forms contained in the Railway Services(Pension) Rules, 1993, which were amend with  e approval of the Ministry of law & Justice vide Board’s letter No.2015/F(E)Ill/1(1)/ Dated 7.06.2016, on the basis of corresponding amendments made by the Department of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare (DOP&PW) in the CCS(Pension) Rules, 1972 (DOP&PW) in the CCS(Pension) Rules, 1972 and all the otller arms being used in some Railways and Railway Board.
4. Accordingly, simplified settle ent forms required to be filled by the retiring railway employees are enclosed herewith for compliance.. Other farms required to be filled by the Head of Office and the Accounts Officer ill remain the same as contained in the updated Railway Services (Pension) Rules, 1993 available on the website of the Ministry of Railways.
5. PCPO & PFA of Zonal Railways/PUs would be directly responsible to ensure compliance of the aforesaid instructions.
6. Non Compliance of the said instruction would be seriously by the Board.
7. Please acknowledge receipt.
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