1. It’s an important register kept at station.
2. The detail of all approaching and dispatching trains at the station are entered in this register.
3. Wagon No, Name of the owning Railway, Type of wagon whether wagons are loaded on empty, if loaded the detail of commodities loaded in it, the origin and destination station of the wagon, cause of detachment from the train i.e. hot axle, broken spring et.., date of detachment of wagon, name of the guard and his signature etc. are entered in wagon exchange register.
4. When the wagon become bit to run, the train with which the wagon is dispatched, its no., date, time and name of the guard and his signature etc. are entered in the register.
5. The calculation of delay is done on the basis of arrival and departure of the wagon at the station.
6. If loaded wagon/wagons are detached from the train, the SM should report the same to the RPF. In case of passenger train the same should be reported to the C & W staff.
7. The SM should keep this register up to date because the reason for delay of the wagon is know from this register.
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