Jun 22, 2017

Railways takes heritage track

AHMEDABAD: To collaborate and encourage research to conserve, preserve, and manage the heritage of Indian Railways, the Centre for Heritage Management (CHM) recently inked a memorandum of understanding with the Indian Railways Institute of Civil Engineering (IRICEN). As part of the agreement, the two institutes will engage in a series of activities for capacity-building of railway personnel by integrating the heritage perspective in their training and work practices.

The collaboration will help incorporate heritage management in the curriculum of IRICEN and create awareness about railway heritage. The MoU will also facilitate research on heritage-related themes with the Indian Railways. "The CHM will consider pursuing heritage-related research that will help in achieving the objective of conservation, preservation, and management of Indian Railways heritage," said Devanath Tirupati, the CHM in-charge.
Experts said that the introduction of heritage management will provide deeper understanding of heritage tourism to civil engineers of the Indian Railways. Debashish Nayak, the director of the CHM, said: "Indian Railways is not only known for being the world's longest railway network, but also for its rich history." Indian Railways has a treasure lying across the country, he said. "Darjeeling Himalayan Railway, for example, is already on the World Heritage List of UNESCO," he said.
Source - Times Of India
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